ZP1 XMPP Server


We at zp1 run a private XMPP server in the Ore Mountains

We are neither a vendor nor a provider, but offer the possibility to create JIDS and rooms on our server to enable decentralized and data-protected communication for people who, for whatever reason, do not want to or cannot run their own server.
We do not gender. In all cases, "guys" or "user" means people of all genders.
Every user is a welcome guest, as long as *they* adhere to general protocols of etiquette.
All users acknowledge and agree that we are exempt from any liability as outlined in paragraph 1004 BGB. Furthermore, essential to highlight that the users bear full responsibility for own statements and actions.
The Youth Media Protection Treaty does not apply here. Please enter the server only from the age from which you are of adult age in your country. Parents are liable for their children.
The rooms created on our server are subject to the rules of the respective owners of the same in addition to the above rules. Administrators and moderators pay attention to compliance and are to be contacted in case of any problems or questions. Rooms organize themselves. zp1 does not interfere in the internal affairs of the rooms.
We are not dependent on donations, if you still want to donate we are happy to do so, and will accept them with thanks. Donate 10 €

 S2S Connections

We are currently connected to the following server.

Similar to email, the client passes the message for the recipient in encrypted or plain text to its home server, which in turn contacts the recipient's home server and gives it the message for the recipient, and the recipient in turn gives the message to the recipient's client. This communication is TLS encrypted between servers (S2S) or between client and server (C2S), and may additionally be OMEMO, PGP or otherwise encrypted depending on the room. Audio and video connections are made directly from client to client (C2C), and are only switched by the servers (TURN). The order in the table is chronological and by duration. Connections that are already slightly longer rise up the table.

IP HOST COUNTRY jabbim.sk ( CZ, Czech Republic) xabber.de ( DE, Germany) news.movim.eu ( AT, Austria) 136.129- xmpp.650thz.de. ( DE, Germany) chat.xmpp.social ( DE, Germany) ;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;; ( NL, Netherlands) rooms.dismail.de ( DE, Germany) jabber.hot-chilli.net ( DE, Germany) chat.404.city ( BG, Bulgaria) yo2loj.ro ( RO, Romania) xmpps.conversations.im. ( DE, Germany) xmpp.conversations.im. ( DE, Germany) chapril.org ( DE, Germany) conversations.im ( DE, Germany) suchat.org ( FI, Finland) ip213.ip-54-39-46.net. ( CA, Canada) pwned.life ( DE, Germany) macaw.me ( US, United States) syn-024-164-064-131.res.spectrum.com. ( US, United States) xmpp.yaxim.org. ( DE, Germany) magicbroccoli.de ( DE, Germany) 70-173-136-186.fibertel.com.ar. ( AR, Argentina) chat.disroot.org ( NL, Netherlands) jabber.fr ( FR, France) cdom.de ( DE, Germany) jabber.fu-berlin.de ( DE, Germany) room.pix-art.de ( DE, Germany) guardianphone.org ( RO, Romania) 5222.de ( DE, Germany) vela-jabber.h.sum7.eu. ( DE, Germany) jabber.nz ( RU, Russian Federation) p54bf75fd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de. ( DE, Germany) leparc.libre-en-communs.org. ( FR, France) ( RO, Romania) jabjab.de ( DE, Germany) wiuwiu.de ( DE, Germany) militant.es ( FR, France) 78-1-110-114.adsl.net.t-com.hr. ( HR, Croatia) chatterboxtown.us ( US, United States) jabber.blah.im. ( FI, Finland) static. ( DE, Germany) chat.gnupg.org ( DE, Germany) ec2-54-187-224-7.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com. ( US, United States) 88.ip-51-75-23.eu. ( FR, France) vern.cc. ( US, United States) scarlet.mboa.dev. ( CA, Canada) spyurk.am ( AM, Armenia) tamytro.org ( FR, France) mail.monocles.de. ( DE, Germany) simplifiedprivacy.is ( RO, Romania) amxsig.org ( DE, Germany) hmm.st ( US, United States) 256.bz ( RU, Russian Federation) nometa.in ( SI, Slovenia) group.chat.above.im ( US, United States) anonym.im ( DE, Germany) thesecure.biz ( RU, Russian Federation) convorb.im ( RO, Romania) 2befree.click ( US, United States) linuxlovers.at ( DE, Germany) horse.xxx ( US, United States) xmpp.quicksy.im. ( DE, Germany) sormani.com.ar ( AR, Argentina) jabber.ccc.de ( AT, Austria) waehring.ccc.de. ( AT, Austria) srv1.c0nnect.de. ( DE, Germany) anoxinon.me ( DE, Germany) dw.live ( NL, Netherlands) jabber.no ( NO, Norway) conference.jabbers.one ( DE, Germany) gajim.org ( FR, France) xmpp.krahn.club ( DE, Germany) jabber.support ( HK, Hong Kong) ;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;; ( HK, Hong Kong) ec2-44-240-115-102.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com. ( US, United States) ec2-35-160-110-75.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com. ( US, United States) server.worlio.com. ( US, United States) giebel.it ( DE, Germany) mail.jabber-germany.de. ( US, United States) static. ( DE, Germany) chinwag.im ( AU, Australia) xmpp.org ( US, United States)


XEP stands for XMPP Extension Protocol. It is a protocol used to extend the XMPP protocol. XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open source protocol used for real-time communication over the Internet. It was originally developed for instant messaging (IM) and online presence, but is now also used for voice over IP (VoIP), video transmission, file transfer, and other applications.

XEPs are official XMPP extensions developed and maintained by the XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF). XEPs define new features, protocols, formats, and behaviors that XMPP clients and servers can use to improve interoperability between different XMPP implementations. XEPs can be created and submitted by any interested party, but they go through a review and standardization process before they are officially published and implemented.

To log in you need an XMPP client. This should meet the following minimum requirements:

XEP-0077 is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) called in-band registration. It defines a method to create a new user account on an XMPP server by transmitting the registration information in the Jabber protocol itself.

Essentially, XEP-0077 allows a user to register themselves without the administrator of the XMPP server having to do so. The user can connect to the XMPP server, start the registration process, and transmit the required information (username, password, etc.) directly through the XMPP protocol.

Although XEP-0077 is a useful protocol, it also has some limitations. Some XMPP servers do not implement the protocol or do not allow it for security reasons. Therefore, users may need to use an alternative registration method, such as registering via a web application or manually creating an account by the XMPP server's administrator.

Overall, XEP-0077 is an important XMPP protocol that facilitates user account registration and makes the registration process more efficient and user-friendly for new users.

XEP-0163 is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) called Personal Eventing Protocol (PEP). It defines a method to exchange status updates and other events in real time between XMPP clients.

Essentially, PEP allows users to publish events that other users can subscribe to and view. For example, a user could publish their current status (Available, Busy, Away, etc.) or their current activities (Reading email, Making a call, In a meeting, etc.), which can then be subscribed to and viewed by other users.

PEP is an important part of XMPP and is supported by many XMPP clients and services. It allows users to quickly and easily share real-time information and stay in touch with other users.

Some specific uses of PEP include:

Last seen status: PEP can be used to publish a user's last seen status and show other users when they were last online.

Activity Updates: PEP can be used to publish a user's real-time activities, such as reading email or watching a video.

Location information: PEP can also be used to publish a user's location information, which can then be viewed by other users.

Overall, PEP is an important XMPP protocol that allows users to quickly and easily share real-time information and stay in touch with other users.

XEP-0191, also known as Simple Communications Blocking, is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) that defines a method for blocking users on an XMPP network. It allows users to block certain other users from receiving messages from them.

XEP-0191 defines a simple protocol for blocking users based on a block list. Each user can create a list of other users from whom they do not want to receive messages, and store this list on the XMPP server. When a user tries to send a message to another user on the block list, the message is rejected by the XMPP server and not forwarded to the blocked user.

Blocking users can be triggered in several ways, such as by direct user interaction or by evaluating rules or events. For example, users can block another user by clicking a Block button in their XMPP client, or by a rule triggered based on keywords in messages or other criteria.

XEP-0191 is an important protocol because it allows users to block unwanted messages and thus have better control over their communications on XMPP networks. It is supported by many XMPP clients and services and helps create a more secure and user-friendly XMPP ecosystem.

XEP-0198 is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) that defines a protocol for reliable data transport (stream management) between XMPP clients and servers. It allows users to maintain connections during a session, even if the connection between client and server is lost.

With XEP-0198, a client can maintain connection to the server while it is inactive without disconnecting. When the client becomes active again, it can reconnect without losing data. The protocol also defines a method for transferring data lost during disconnection.

XEP-0198 defines a stream management protocol that operates in a manner that minimizes latency and maximizes efficiency. When the client sends a message, the server acknowledges the message before the client sends the next message. This ensures that the server stays up to date and the client does not send unnecessary data.

XEP-0198 is important for XMPP applications that require a reliable and efficient connection, such as instant messaging, voice, video, or file transfer. It is supported by many XMPP clients and services and helps improve the stability and reliability of XMPP networks.

XEP-0215, also known as External Service Discovery is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) that defines a method for discovering services outside the XMPP network. It allows XMPP clients to discover external services without having to communicate directly with the service.

XEP-0215 defines a protocol in which an XMPP server acts as an intermediary that forwards the XMPP client's requests to external services and sends the responses back to the client. The client does not need to connect directly to the external service, which improves security and simplifies connection establishment.

The protocol also defines a method for authenticating and authorizing external services, which allows XMPP clients to access only services to which they are authorized. This helps improve the security of XMPP networks.

XEP-0215 is important for XMPP applications that use external services, such as voice, video, data exchange, or data analysis. It is supported by some XMPP clients and services and helps improve the interoperability and flexibility of XMPP networks.

XEP-0237, also known as Roster Versioning is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) that defines a method for synchronizing contact lists (rosters) between XMPP clients. It allows users to synchronize their contact lists across multiple devices without conflict or duplication.

XEP-0237 defines a protocol where each contact on the user's contact list is assigned a version number. When the user makes changes to their contact list, the version number increases and the server notifies all of the user's connected devices of the changes.

The synchronized contact list always contains the most recent version of the contact list, preventing duplicates and conflicts that might otherwise occur during synchronization. The protocol also defines a method for handling conflicts when two or more of the user's devices make simultaneous changes to the contact list.

XEP-0237 is important for XMPP applications that require a shared contact list, such as instant messaging or voice and video. It is supported by many XMPP clients and services and helps improve the interoperability and usability of XMPP networks.

 Recommended clients

We recommend using a client that meets the above requirements to be compatible with our server. Below is a selection:

These are by no means all clients, just a few that we have cursorily tested to see if they meet our minimum requirements. Monitoring all these clients to document their functions is a very time-consuming activity, and therefore we cannot guarantee that our information is always up-to-date. Be careful not to always install the very latest "nightlies", as they are often unstable, and can crash unexpectedly.

 OK, Everything great, now how to get there?

Quick guide Android - We describe here a very short way, for people who are in a hurry, and have no time to read the documentation. Additionally we will link keywords, in case some will get curious after all.
First install a client from the list above.
Next you need to answer the question if you already have an xmpp account, or need a new account.
If you don't have an account yet, then you can now create an account on a server of your choice with the option "[x] Create a new profile on server"

 The impact of neglected servers

The impact of neglected servers is not limited to businesses and organizations. Individual users can also be affected if their personal information is stored on a server that falls victim to a cyberattack. In such cases, the consequences can be severe and long-lasting, including identity theft, financial fraud, and other forms of cybercrime.
  • Neglected internet servers pose a serious threat to users and other servers alike when their owners fail to keep them updated and well-maintained. These servers often run on outdated software versions with known vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. When left unpatched, these vulnerabilities can result in data breaches, unauthorized access, and even total system compromise. Attackers can also use neglected servers as a springboard for launching attacks on other systems, potentially leading to a ripple effect of damage across entire networks.
  • Another concern with neglected servers is that they can become a breeding ground for malware, viruses, and other malicious code. If an attacker is able to infiltrate a neglected server, they can install malware that can spread to other systems and cause extensive damage. This can result in data loss, system downtime, and even financial loss for businesses and organizations that rely on these servers for critical operations.
  • The impact of neglected servers is not limited to businesses and organizations. Individual users can also be affected if their personal information is stored on a server that falls victim to a cyberattack. In such cases, the consequences can be severe and long-lasting, including identity theft, financial fraud, and other forms of cybercrime.
  • To avoid the risks associated with neglected servers, it is crucial for server owners to regularly update their software and keep a close eye on their systems for any signs of unusual activity. Additionally, investing in robust cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software can help protect against potential threats. By taking these steps, server owners can help ensure that their systems remain secure and that they do not become a liability for themselves or others.
  • Another significant risk associated with neglected internet servers is the expiration of server certificates. Server certificates are used to establish secure connections between servers and clients, ensuring that data transmitted between the two is encrypted and protected from prying eyes. However, when these certificates expire, they become vulnerable to a type of attack known as "man-in-the-middle" (MitM).
  • In a MitM attack, an attacker intercepts the traffic between a server and a client, effectively placing themselves in the middle of the connection. They can then use this position to eavesdrop on the traffic, modify it, or even insert their own malicious code into the data stream. When server certificates are expired or otherwise invalid, they can be easily replaced with fraudulent certificates, making it much easier for attackers to carry out MitM attacks.
  • MitM attacks can have serious consequences, including the theft of sensitive data such as login credentials, financial information, and personal details. Attackers can also use these attacks to redirect traffic to their own malicious servers, potentially infecting users with malware or conducting phishing scams.
  • To prevent the risk of MitM attacks, server owners must ensure that their server certificates are up-to-date and properly configured. They should also regularly monitor their servers for any signs of suspicious activity and be prepared to take immediate action if they detect any security breaches. By taking these steps, server owners can help protect their systems and their users from the dangers of neglected internet servers.
  • In some cases, it can be difficult to address the issue of neglected internet servers because the owners cannot be reached. We have attempted to contact server owners to inform them of the risks associated with neglected servers and the importance of updating their systems, but in many cases, the contact information provided is no longer valid or the owners are unresponsive. This can be frustrating as neglected servers can pose a threat not only to the owners but to other users and systems as well. It is essential for server owners to take responsibility for their systems and ensure that they remain secure and up-to-date to prevent potential security breaches and other risks.

 Let us give some credit to the contributors

All this software you are using here is created by some wonderful people in their spare time, the services you are using are maintained by other people who also also sacrificed their time and energy, and in the end other people are paying the bills.
  • The core of our operating system, Devuan Linux, is built upon the dedication and expertise of countless developers who contribute their time and skills to the open-source community.
  • The programming languages Lua and Java, fundamental to our server and client development, are maintained and expanded upon by a global community of developers who volunteer their time to ensure their continued relevance and reliability.
  • The XMPP Foundation, responsible for defining the XMPP protocol and its extensions through XEPs (XMPP Extension Protocols), plays a crucial role in shaping the future of decentralized communication. Their ongoing work fosters interoperability and innovation within the XMPP ecosystem.
  • The Prosody server, serving as the backbone of our communication infrastructure, is developed and maintained by a dedicated team of developers who ensure its stability and security, enabling reliable messaging services.
  • Our communication partners rely on various XMPP servers, such as Citadel, ejabberd, Openfire, and Tigase psyced (without the claim of completeness) which provide them with the necessary infrastructure to facilitate seamless communication.
  • The countless number of XMPP clients Adium Aparte AstraChat aTalk Beem Beagle Blabber Bruno Chat-O-Matic Cheogram Conversations ConverseJS Dino Gaim Gajim Jitsi JSXC Kontalk Kaidan Libervia Miranda Monal Monocles Movim Moxxy Pade Pidgin Poezio Profanity Psi Renga Siskin Spark Stork Swift UWPX XMPP WEB yaxim (without the claim of completeness) which provide intuitive and feature-rich interfaces for our instant messaging needs, are the result of the hard work and innovation of their respective development communities, who strive to deliver exceptional user experiences while respecting privacy and security.
  • Let's not forget the countless individuals who maintain the servers hosting our applications and services, ensuring their availability and performance around the clock. Their dedication often goes unrecognized, but their contribution is indispensable to our online presence.
  • Let's mention the translators of all this software, who have spent hours, months and years translating this beautiful software into all the languages of the world.
  • Last but not least, let's acknowledge the financial support provided by individuals and organizations who generously contribute to the infrastructure costs, allowing us to continue benefiting from these open-source technologies without bearing the full burden ourselves.
  • Thank you wonderful people
 Frequently asked questions:
What is an XMPP server?

Basically nothing more than a chat server. A program that transports text, image, links, audios and video messages from one computer (or phone) to another in real time. You don't need a phone number or email address, birth dates or shoe size. You need nothing. Everything is incredibly simple and free.

last edited:30.04.2021
Can you easily recreate a JID you once deleted?

No! When a JID is deleted, then a kind of thombstone is created for 36 months, which prevents the recreation of an identical JID. There are important reasons why this is so. A Thombstone is not created when an account is automatically deleted after 36 months due to lack of activity.

last edited:30.04.2021
What domain names do you cover up?

We are serving at the moment xmpp.de and zp1.net. This means for you that you have the choise, and you can create jids/usernames using this two domains. example : username@xmpp.de or username@zp1.net.

last edited:01.05.2024
Can you just recreate a MUC that you deleted once?

YesOn! When a MUC is deleted by an owner, it also creates a kind of thombstone that prevents the recreation of a MUC with the same name by someone other than the original owner. When the JID of the owner, including the Thombstone of the JID are gone, a MUC with the same name can be recreated. Not before.

last edited:30.04.2021
Can a MUC be transferred?

Yes, it can. It is also possible to appoint more than one owner. For example, an owner can also assign, and a MUC can become ownerless. In this case, contact the server administrator.

last edited:30.04.2021
That guy with the big nose is annoying, how can I block him?

Make sure that your client supports XEP-0191, then blocking will work fine. The server also supports XEP-0016 but experience shows that clients react differently.

last edited:30.04.2021
Can I change my password?

Make sure that your client supports XEP-0077 then it will work fine.

last edited:30.04.2021
Is it possible to recover the password?

This will only work if we know your email address, which is hopefully not the case. If you nevertheless write a real e-mail in your profile, and we can identify you with it, we may be able to reset the password. However, we would prefer not to have anything to do with this.

last edited:30.04.2021
How to create an account (JID) here?

All clients we recommend (see list below) support inbound account creation. This means that you can (and should) create and modify your account yourself using the client, simply by selecting your new JID: (for example) username@xmpp.de or username@zp1.net and entering a password for the account. Pay attention to the domains xmpp.de and zp1.net. The clients all have this option Create this account on the server [_] which you have to activate to create a new account… The JID consists of the username: username and the domainname zp1.net. Some clients ask also for the hostname: zp1.net or the port: 5222. If you want to use the domain xmpp.de you must use the host xmpp.de Some clients also ask for encryption. This is: START TLS.

last edited:01.05.2024
How many user accounts is the server hosting right now?

Right now we are hosting 2123 users, of which online at the moment are 293. It's a live place, a constant going and coming.

last edited:22.10.2024
What countries are the users from?

Unfortunately, we can't tell because we only see the IP that dials in to us, which doesn't mean anything because most users use VPNs, proxies, or the Tor network, which hide and obfuscate the source IP.

Which locales are installed?

All. We have installed the complete list of living languages ISO-639. All languages, left to right, right to left, top to bottom and bottom to top. It's quite impressive how many languages there are in the world. Let's hope it stays that way.

last edited:01.12.2019
What does this mean that you are not a public server?

This means that our visitors have no right to enter the server. For example, we reserve the right to exclude anyone without any justification, and the person cannot use any legal means against it. Spam, phishing, begging, threatening or other practices not mentioned here, for example, do not fall under "Free speech". There we are then very consistent.

last edited:01.12.2019
Can one buy something here?

We are planning a store with fan items, sometime in the far future. At the moment there is nothing to buy. But if you feel happy with the serviceyou can donate a buck

last edited:01.12.2019
Is there a lunchroom there?


 Translation Status
Who can translate here?

Anyone who feels like it. You just need to register on https://weblate.zp1.net and you can start right away. The projekt is here Just ask in the "welcome" Room if you don't know your way around.

Is anyone checking this?



Who feels able to do this. If you disagree with an existing translation, you can anonymously suggest a better translation.

How can I correct an error on this page?

The code of this page is located here in a Gitlab . Registration is also required here to push.

 How do I install a PGP key to use it with Android:
  • Install the OpenKeychain app on your Android device from the F-Droid or the Google Play Store.
  • Open the app and tap on the "Generate key" button on the main screen.
  • On the next screen, enter your full name and email address in the fields provided. Make sure the email address you enter is one that you have access to, as you will need it to receive encrypted messages.
  • Tap on the "Advanced settings" button if you want to configure additional options for your key, such as the key size, expiration date, and encryption algorithm. Otherwise, leave the default settings as they are.
  • Tap on the "Generate key" button to create your key pair. This process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the key size you selected.
  • Once your key pair has been generated, you will be prompted to create a passphrase to protect your private key. Enter a strong, unique passphrase that you can remember but that others cannot guess.
  • After creating your passphrase, your key pair will be saved to your device. You can now use it to encrypt and sign messages, as well as verify the authenticity of messages you receive from others.
  • To share your public key with others, tap on the "Export" button on the main screen and select the method you want to use to share your key, such as email or QR code.
  •  How do I install a PGP key to use it with a iPhone:
  • Download and install the "PGP Everywhere" app from the App Store on your iPhone.
  • Open the app and tap on the "Generate key" button.
  • Enter your name and email address in the fields provided.
  • Select the key size and encryption algorithm you want to use. You can also set an expiration date for your key if you wish.
  • Tap on the "Generate key" button to create your key pair. This process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the key size you selected.
  • Once your key pair has been generated, you will be prompted to create a passphrase to protect your private key. Enter a strong, unique passphrase that you can remember but that others cannot guess.
  • After creating your passphrase, your key pair will be saved to your device. You can now use it to encrypt and sign messages, as well as verify the authenticity of messages you receive from others.
  • To share your public key with others, tap on the "Export" button in the app and select the method you want to use to share your key, such as email or AirDrop.
  • Once you have a PGP-compatible app installed on your iPhone and have generated a PGP key, you can use it to encrypt and sign messages. When composing a message, youll need to import the recipients public key into your PGP app, then select their key as the recipient when encrypting the message. The recipient will then need to use their own private key to decrypt the message. Monal is a iPhone app that supports PGP encryption. It is primarily an XMPP/Jabber client, but it also has built-in support for PGP encryption and can be used to send and receive encrypted messages. To use PGP encryption in Monal, you will need to first import your own PGP key into the app. You can do this by going to the app settings, tapping on "Advanced", and then selecting "PGP". From there, you can import your key by selecting the file containing your PGP key or by pasting the key into the app.
     How do I install a PGP key to use it with Gajim:
  • If you want to set up OpenPGP on Gajim under Windows, then you need to install GPG4WIN first. Please install the whole package or at least: GnuPG and Kleopatra.
  • Next open a Powershell on Windows and type gpg --version to check if the installation was successful.
  • If GPG was successful, you can create a PGP key pair if you don't have one yet. Use Kleopatra (Ctrl + N) File » New OpenPGP key pair …. If you already have a key pair (private and public key), please import them into Kleopatra.
  • Now export the public key as a text file by right-clicking on the key » Export (Ctrl + E). Save the key as .asc or .txt format.
  • Next start Gajim, or if Gajim was started during GPG4Win installation, please restart Gajim now. (Windows7 and older may need to restart the computer).
  • Activate the plugins OpenPGP and PGP in Gajim » Plugins or (Ctrl + E) so that installed and activated are checked.
  • Now go to the plugin PGP and you will see a gear wheel in the upper right corner which opens a new subwindow with a button in the middle where you can assign the key you created to your identity in Gajim.
  • Last we add the public key to your PEP profile. Gajim » Accounts » Profile » Modify » +Add Entry » Add Public Key by opening it with an editor (e.g. Notepad) and inserting it. Finally save and we are done.
  • Processor
    Zilog Z80 (Z80A with 3.5 MHz)

    CPU (83%)

    128 KB

    RAM (72%)

    read-only memory

    HDD (81%)

     What we can't do (yet) …
    Since there is still a lot of explaining to do, we want to clip some wings first:
    • The server encrypts communication with other servers(s2s) using SSL (letsencrypt) via port 5269 (RFC 6120). This encryption is very weak and there are any few master keys. Thus, security is not 100% guaranteed.
    • The server also encrypts communication with their client (s2c) using SSL (letsencrypt), as long as you connect to the server on port 5223.
    • If you (your client) connect to our server via PORT 5223, then STARTTLS (min TLS1.2+) encryption is performed.
    • Some servers may also explicitly offer Port 5224 for TLS. We do not use port 5224 at the moment.
    • The server supports OMEMO, OTR, OX or PGP encrypted communication. These encryptions are so-called end-2-end encryptions and are accordingly performed by the two clients used. The fingerprints of the communication partners must be decided and released by the client. The clients must release each other.
    • The quality of the encryption thus depends exclusively on the clients.
    • Audio and video communication only works with clients that have this feature built in. The server only supports contact (stun/turn), everything else goes from client to client directly past the server.
    • Android clients (Such as the Blabber or Conversations we recommend) use WebRTC, a free, open projekt that provides browsers and mobile apps with real-time communication capabilities. WebRTC is open source, but heavily tied to Google.
    • WebRTC reveals their IP address to all communication partners.
    • Audio and video communication are possible under mobile devices. If you use a StockROM, the manufacturer has root access and can configure,administer or decrypt the software on their phone at any time. Therefore, if you use such mobile devices, it is best to have nothing to hide.
    • Multiuser video conferences are not possible with our server. We recommend Jitsi Meet for such a use case.Unfortunately, we do not (yet) offer this service.
    • Gajim, Psi and some other desktop clients use WebRTC, but there are issues/incompatibilities with the Jingle protocol on Android, which means that you can't make mobile to desktop calls without problems at the moment.
    • Audio and video are client to client communication (c2c) and are TLS encrypted.
    • OMEMO encryption only works for text messages.
    • PGP in XMPP clients is not yet multi-user chat(MUC) capable, although no technical issues stand in the way. The OX projekt should close this gap in the immediate future. If you have more money than you need, and can spare a little, donate a little something to the XMPP consortium, they will be very grateful for your financial support